Just A few of my favorite things
from prenatal care to family-friendly restaurants to Amazing play spaces
Some quick favorites from Sam and Mayaan’s mini session in Medford this spring: I love how it looks like even their newborn is giggling in this first image. (A second later he looks less happy … and then he’s totally fine again about 5 seconds later. No babies were harmed in the making of these […]
Golden hour, check. Golden season, check. Sweet family I photographed last spring, who wanted to come back to the same park to play together in the leaves with matching cobalt sneakers and a new stowaway? Check and check and hooray! Leaves are sticking around a little later this year: if you’re still looking for an […]
Oh help, there are way too many from Margaret and Dan’s Classic family session at Mary Cummings Park in Burlington that I want to share. Woods, fields, boardwalks, mist — MIST?! — but most importantly of all, these people are hilarious and delightful. I had photographed Margaret and Dan’s engagement photos during a very windy, […]
When my son’s preschool sent out a newsletter announcing there would be baby goats on campus during the last week of school, obviously it was an emergency that I be there. It remains one of the more delightful and ridiculous photo sessions I’ve ever done; every time I got low on the ground (kind of […]